The role of forests in the regulation global temperature.

The role of forests in the regulation global temperature.

Forests are one of the most relevant ecosystems approaches to bring solutions to the impacts of climate change, since they are one of the great sinks of greenhouse gases that cause the increase in global temperature.

The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC, Report AR6-2023)indicates that the measures adopted so far have been insufficient to address the effects of climate change and that the damage presented will increase in the future, especially damaging vulnerable people and ecosystems.

Forests are a key terrestrial ecosystem to generate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. It is also one of the ecosystems most affected by changes in weather patterns. Added to the challenge of conserving and maintaining these carbon sinks, is the ability to adapt actions to a new climate scenario.

March commemorates the "International Day of Forests", which makes us aware and reinforce the need to promote their conservation and community management, which allows them to reduce their vulnerabilities and generate living spaces under a well-being approach.