Installation of coffee nurseries.
During the month of February, nurseries for coffee seedlings were installed using different varieties and with the intention of converting degraded areas (due to agricultural activities) to agroforestry systems. These systems contribute to restoring the soil and local ecosystems.
The activities are part of the "Forest restoration, establishment and maintenance of agroforestry systems in communities of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas" project with the collaboration between the AMBIO Cooperative and Conservation International Mexico, through the “Priceless Planet Coalition initiative”.
En este sentido, se instalaron viveros de producción forestal en la ranchería Maravillas, en los Ejidos La Bonanza y Nuevo Refugio, del municipio de Villa Corzo. De igual forma en el Ejido Nueva Esperanza y en los Bienes Comunales San Antonio, del municipio de Pijijiapan, donde se producirán plantas de café que servirán para la restauración de dichas áreas, junto con la siembra de árboles maderables y de sombra para el café.
With the above, the recovery of forest areas is expected to help mitigate the impacts of climate change in the areas of work, while supporting the economy of families with grain production and their direct participation in the project.