Community Monitoring in the Pijijiapan River Basin.

Community Monitoring in the Pijijiapan River Basin.

An environmental monitoring workshop was carried out that consisted of training four community technicians (two men and two women), participants in the project "Local governance and sustainable management of the Cuenca Alta del Río Pijijiapan, Chiapas", in monitoring techniques of vegetation, fauna (birds and mammals), soil and water.

The training in environmental monitoring had the technical assistance of biologists and specialized personnel, sent by the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (FMCN). This will serve to form a community monitoring scheme, in partnership with people from local communities (Bienes Comunales San Antonio, Nueva Esperanza and El Cerrón). During the training, data was collected from the first sampling sites in the project area, which will be used to establish the baseline for the monitoring scheme.

The main objective is to establish an environmental monitoring program to evaluate ecological and productive restoration actions, which contribute to participatory decision-making for the sustainable management of the Pijijiapan river upper basin. This work is developed by the AMBIO Cooperative and promoted by the FMCN, in addition to the El Triunfo Conservation Fund (FONCET).