Local governance and sustainable management of the "Uper basin" of the Pijijiapan River, Chiapas.

Home / Local governance and sustainable management of the "Uper basin" of the Pijijiapan River, Chiapas.


Aim: Achieve that producers, men and women, develop capacities for land use planning, vegetation and water monitoring, and carry out activities for productive reconversion towards agroforestry systems (SAFs, shade coffee) within the framework of a process of strengthening Governance and environmental awareness in the "Upper basin" of Pijijiapan. 

Expected results:

  • Development of capacities for productive reconversion towards agroforestry systems
  • Production of coffee plants and forest species
  • Design and implementation of productive reconversion plans in areas that are currently dedicated to extensive livestock or with secondary vegetation
  • Develop monitoring capabilities, as well as the integration of a team of community technicians, trained and equipped, whose activities will contribute to decision-making in land management and environmental awareness
  • Raise awareness about environmental problems and the environmental values of the "Basin" Pijijiapan, emphasizing the relationship that exists with the quality of life of the population.

Funding: Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, and for Chiapas the El Triunfo Conservation Fund..

Work area: "Uper basin" of the Pijijiapan River, Chiapas.