Basic course for community forest fighters.

Basic course for community forest fighters.

As part of the proposal “Restoration of emblematic landscapes in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas”, carried out by the AMBIO Cooperative in collaboration with Conservation International (CI) Mexico, it was carried out in the Nuevo Vicente Guerrero ejido, municipality of Villa Corzo, Chiapas , the basic course for forest fighters S-130 (forest fighter) -190 (introduction to fire behavior).

The training was carried out by personnel from the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR, by its acronym in Spanish) and BIOMASA, A.C., who facilitated a theoretical-practical training process for 12 community brigade members from the Nuevo Vicente Guerrero ejido, La Sierrita ejido (Municipality of Villa Corzo) and the Alfonso Moguel neighborhood (Municipality of Ocozocoautla).

During the practical phase, a tour was carried out on one of the control lines of the Nuevo Vicente Guerrero ejido to reinforce knowledge in the construction of this type of line and carry out a visual analysis of the topography of the area; important aspect to consider in fire management.

As a final part of the course, on October 24, the brigade members received a basic first aid course from the Villaflores Fire Institute, Chiapas.