Water Monitoring

Water Monitoring

From August 14 to 17, 2023, in the city of Mapastepec, Chiapas, the Water Quality Monitoring Workshop (BIOCOMUNI) was held, given by the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature (FMCN) AC, with the intention of training technical personnel from the different organizations that participate in different proposals for the conservation and restoration of basins on the coast of Chiapas within the framework of the CONECTA project.

The objective of the workshop was to train community technicians and technical personnel from the different organizations with field techniques (BIOCOMUNI) for water monitoring, since its monitoring allows well-founded assessments of the quality of the environment. This allows informed decisions to be made regarding watershed management.

With this training, local technicians and technical staff from the AMBIO Cooperative will carry out timely monitoring of the water quality of the streams and rivers of the Pijijiapan basin.