Project presentation.

Project presentation.

With the support of the Berriozábal City Council, CONANP Frailesca and CONAFOR Promotoría Villaflores, on March 5 and 6, 2024, the presentation of the project “Local governance and protection against forest fires in the La Frailescana Natural Resources Protection Area” was held , operated by Cooperativa Ambio, with resources from the Mexican Fund for Nature Conservation (FMCN). 

The meeting was attended by presidents of three ranchers and ejidal authorities from thirteen communities in the La Frailesca area, as well as management personnel from the Villa Corzo City Council, Chipas. The event's objective was to begin a process of raising awareness regarding the care and prevention of forest fires given the serious problems experienced in the area. According to figures from the Municipal Environment Directorate, in 2023 there were 52 fires in the area, affecting an area of more than 8,200 hectares.

Members of the Sumidero Canyon Intermunicipal Board were also present at the event with the aim of presenting their campaign “Fire is a symbol of strength and life. “You help conserve if you know how to use it.” As part of the efforts to conserve the Sumidero Canyon basin, together with 24 municipalities, as well as organizations and civil society.