Development of capacities in shade management for certified coffee plantations in Chiapas, Mexico.

Aim: Train coffee producers from five towns in the Frailesca region, Chiapas, in techniques for delimbing shade trees in coffee plantations with the appropriate Personal Protection Equipment.

Expected results:

  • Develop the ability to determine the appropriate level of shade within their coffee plantations
  • Know and develop skills for safe climbing and the handling of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to perform basic maneuvers at heights safely.
  • Know and develop the ability to plan and execute limbing pruning to regulate shade in coffee plantations

Funding:"Alliance for Sustainable Landscapes and Markets”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) executed by the Rainforest Alliance-Olam Agro Mexico.

Work area: Villaflores and Villa Corzo, Chiapas.